L.A.B Golf Putters - Putting Revolutionised

L.A.B Golf Putters - Putting Revolutionised

Winston Churchill called golf “a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into an even smaller hole, with weapons singularly ill-designed for the purpose.” Back in his day, Churchill had a point. But today? Every club in the bag has seen its performance improve radically… except for the putter...until now. 

The hallmark of great putting is returning the putter face to “square” at impact, or perpendicular to the target line. That’s not our opinion; it’s science. The latest research shows that 83% of a putt’s starting direction is influenced by the direction of the putter face at impact. The other 17% is influenced by the path of the putter head.

Lie Angle Balance (L.A.B.) Technology makes it effortless for golfers to deliver a square putter face at impact because, unlike other putters, it keeps the putter face square to the arc throughout the stroke. It makes putting as easy as picking the right line, the right speed, and making your natural stroke.

With no adjustments to make during the stroke, golfers can be confident that their putts will roll exactly where they’re aiming. With a L.A.B. Golf putter, golfers will quickly see that they’re better putters than they think. Lie Angle Balance doesn’t read greens. It doesn’t line you up at your target. You’ll have to figure out those things on your own. But Lie Angle Balance will help with distance control because your putter won’t want to flop around during your stroke like a fish out of water. It works with your stroke, not against it.

The forward-press is an often misunderstood concept among golfers, and even golfers who understand it often find it difficult to execute. Success comes from leaning the shaft forward at impact to reduce loft, while at the same time contacting the ball with an upward putter path to encourage the truest possible roll. 

L.A.B. Golf putters will perform with any putter grip, and our Press Grips work with any putter, but we see the best performance when they’re paired together. That’s because Press Grips are created with our built-in Forward Press Technology. It allows golfers to keep their hands vertical at address, allowing the angle of the grip to pre-sets the ideal shaft lean. This makes it instinctive for golfers to hit up through impact and create a pure end-over-end roll.

Lets have a look below at L.A.B's various game changing offerings and see which might enable your on-green game evolve:


So many golfers love the look of blade-style putters. Yes, they’re beautiful, but they’re not always the best for making putts. What L.A.B did with the LINK.1 was honour the shape of these legendary putters but make them dramatically easier to use by adding Lie Angle Balance. 

Like all L.A.B. Golf putters, LINK.1 is designed to stay square to your path during the stroke. That means there’s no need to try to keep the face square like there is with other putters. All you have to do is LET the face stay square. Probably the most traditionally aesthetically pleasing release from L.A.B the LINK. 1 is the blade lovers dream. 


Looks are important, but so is science. That’s why MEZZ.1 looks pretty much like a normal mid-mallet putter. But unlike those other putters, it actually helps you hole more putts. Without delving too deep in to the intricacies, where other putters will want to open or close during the swing naturally, forcing the player to keep the face square through impact, the MEZZ. 1 stays perfectly square all on its own, allowing the player to swing their swing without any manipulations. The putter works for you, not against you. 

The MEZZ. 1 MAX is pretty much the exact same as the MEZZ. 1...except 20% larger. The MEZZ. 1 MAX offers outrageous stability, perfect for those players that love a larger putter and want the absolute maximum in forgiveness. 


Bill Presse, a former mini-tour player and founder of L.A.B Golf wanted to create a putter head that would give him as much forgiveness as possible, so he developed the radical shape of the DF 2.1 as a way to maximize consistency on off-center hits and allow him to drastically simplify his stroke. Yes, it looks like a branding iron… but it works! Having had the chance to play around with one of these in person, I must say I was a bit taken back by how steady and controlled the putter feels. When looking down on the shape you cant imagine it'll be anything but a heavy brick in the hands but that couldn't be further from the truth. I think its safe to say that either the DF 2.1 or a MEZZ. 1 MAX will be gracing by bag sometime in the very near future.  

If you haven't already given them any thought L.A.B Golf putters really are a viable option to help improve your game. Lucas Glover, recent back-to-back champion on the PGA Tour, plays a L.A.B Golf MEZZ. 1 MAX and since making the change has turned his games glaring weakness in to one of his strengths. Growing in popularity I cant help but think more and more players, from the elite level to the amateur new to the game, will be making the switch over. L.A.B fever is definitely hitting our HQ with a few of our in-house professionals and amateurs alike both being blown away by the results they're seeing! 

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